We spend half our lives online nowadays and it’s obviously causing damage to our health. Do you think it would be worth the benefits to stop carrying a smartphone and to disable the WiFi at home?

  • @[email protected]
    18 months ago

    You’d just ring the company. Remember that? If you didn’t remember when coca cola was founded or what their weird limited edition flavor from a few years back was called, you’d just find their phone number, call up and ask them directly on the phone, and some customer service representative with super niche (but not unlimited) knowledge would be there to answer any relevant question you could have.

    • Neato
      18 months ago

      Exactly. And if they didn’t know or didn’t want to tell you, you’d never know. Imagine how many secrets corporations could keep without any way to spread knowledge that wasn’t one-to-one. Nightly news, phone calls to regulators, etc only do so much. People got away with a LOT more before the internet and online video.